Orthosiphon Stamineus Benth. as A Potential Herbal Medicine (mini-review)
Cat's whiskers plant (Orthosiphon stamineus) is an herbal plant that has been commonly used mainly in several countries in Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, and is often consumed in tea as Javanese tea, which has diuretic properties. Java tea has also been introduced to Japan and Europe. O. Stamineus has many biological activities such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, edema, hepatitis, hypertension and many more. The activity is related to various contents in it, especially polymethoxylated flavonoids such as sinensetin and eupatorin, which are the most important components. Many studies on O. Stamineus, such as metabolite isolation, pharmacological studies, phytochemicals, and measurement of the amount. This paper is a comprehensive review that discusses several aspects such as propagation, distribution, diversity, traditional uses, the biological activity of O. Stamineus . Also, this paper also summarizes phytochemical aspects in terms of the quality and quantity of the cat's whiskers and the method used, which are very potential to be used as a traditional medicine in the future.
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