Academic achievement is used to identify student skill levels, ensure academic progress and predict student achievement. Academic achievement can be influenced by many factors, such as self-regulated learning (SRL), emotional intelligence, motivation, and learning environment.
There has been limited research on the relationship between SRL, motivation, emotional intelligence, and the environment on academic achievement for the last five years, comparing preclinical students with clinical students in one study. Most studies only focus on preclinical samples. This article explores several intrinsic factors that influence academic achievement in preclinical and clinical students, such as SRL, motivation, emotional intelligence, and the learning environment.
Methods This is a cross-sectional study that used MSLQ, WLEIS, and DREEM questionnaires. GPA measures academic achievement. 249 students consisted of 224 preclinical students and 25 clinical students were enrolled to this study.
Results There was a significant value between SRL and GPA in preclinical students (p=0.000) and clinical students (p=0.087); motivation on the GPA of preclinical (p=0.000) and clinical students (p=0.011); emotional intelligence with GPA of preclinical (p=0.000) and clinical students (p=0.004); and the learning environment on the GPA of preclinical (p=0.000) and clinical students (p=0.814). SRL, emotional intelligence, and learning environment influence the GPA of 49.5%.
Conclusion emotional intelligence was the most significant influence variables on improving academic achievement.
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