Impostor Phenomenon in Medical Students: a single center experience
Impostor Phenomenon (IP) is a phenomenon in which high achievers doubt their abilities, attribute success to factors beyond their capabilities, and fear being considered fraud. The Impostor Phenomenon is associated with psychological attributes such as perfectionism, feelings of anxiety, depression, and low resilience. This study aims to determine the relationship between level of anxiety and resilience with the occurrence of the Impostor Phenomenon. The research sample was 99 students using the STAI, CD-RISC 25, and CIPS questionnaires showed 40 students (40.4%) with mild State Anxiety, 40 students (40.4%) with severe Trait Anxiety, 86 students (86.9%) with high resilience, and 57 students (57.6%) with high IP. Chi-square and Kendall’s Tau-B test analysis proves that there was a significant association between State Anxiety (p = 0.005; r = 0.303), Trait Anxiety (p = 0.000; r = 0.582), and resilience (p = 0,016; r = -0.273) with the occurrence of the IP. The results of multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression showed that the Trait Anxiety variable was the most dominant in influencing the occurrence of the Impostor Phenomenon (p = 0.000; OR = 0.042; 95% CI = 0.011 – 0.152).Conclusion. Anxiety was the dominant variable in the occurrence of the impostor phenomenon
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