Uterine Rupture and Fetal Distress as A complication of Caesarea Section in Patient with Total Plasenta Previa : Case Report
Introduction : Uterine rupture is the tearing of the uterine wall during pregnancy or during labour.
Case Illustration : A Second pregnant women, 33 years old, came to the emergency departemen with complaints of abdominal pains and abdominal defans since 2 hours. History of caesarea section in a previous pregnancy. Blood pressure 108/80 mmHg, heart rates 136 times/minute, respiratory rate 24 times/minute, on palpation of the abdomen the lower abdomen feels tense accompanied by uterine contractions and fetal heart rate 178 beats/minute. The diagosis in this patient was suspect uterine rupture. Management was carried out by administering tocolytic drugs, fetal lung maturation, and termination of pregnancy by cesarean section method. The operation went well, mother and baby survived. Postoperatively the patient was treated in the high care unit for 3 days.
Discussion : Uterine rupture during pregnancy is an urgent state. The incidency of uterine rupture is rising accordingly with the growing number of caesarea section. Uterine rupture must be recognized immediately in order to get better maternal and fetal prognosis.
Conclusions : In this case report, only risk factor for uterine rupture was a history of cesarean section in a previous delivery. Termination by the method of caesarea section and hysterorafi is the right step for this case.
Keywords : Uterine Rupture, caesarea section, fetal distress
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