The Effectiveness of Audio Visual Murottal Therapy Using The Zoom Application For Covid-19 Anxiety Patients Relaxation

Syarifah Novia Wardani, Vitria Wuri Handayani, Sudarto Sudarto


Abstract. The Covid-19 pandemic has had various impacts on every aspect of people's lives, both sick and healthy. One of the impacts that occur on the psychological aspect is the occurrence of mild to moderate anxiety to severe anxiety in the community due to the relatively fast spread of the virus. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of murottal audio-visual relaxation therapy through the zoom application on anxiety levels in Covid- 19 patients at the Isolation Home of the Health Education and Training Unit of West Borneo Province. The type of research used is a quantitative quasi-experimental design with pretest and post-test non-equivalent control groups. The sampling technique was nonprobability sampling with consecutive sampling method with a total sample of 30 respondents with the experimental group being given murottal audio-visual relaxation therapy and the control group being given audio-music therapy. This research was conducted online using the zoom application and chat media to minimize the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. The data test technique in this study used the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test statistical test, the results obtained in the experimental group that the p-value of anxiety level was 0.001 <α=0.05, meaning that murottal audio-visual relaxation therapy was effective against anxiety levels in Covid- 19 patients and the results of the control group were p-values for anxiety level is 0.001 <α=0.05, meaning that audio music therapy is effective against anxiety levels in Covid- 19 patients. The results of the Mann-Withney Test analysis showed that the p-value of the anxiety level was 0,022 ˂α=0,05, which means that there was a significant difference in the provision of murottal audio-visual relaxation therapy and audio music therapy on anxiety levels in Covid-19 patients.

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