A Rural Area Problem Of Large Epidural Hematoma With Herniation

feda anisah makkiyah, Ayodya Heristyorini


The shortage of ICU ward was  one of the problem in rural areas like Bogor Residence, West Java, Indonesia. Untreated EDH can progress to coma and eventually death. Here, we describe three cases that had been delayed a couple  days for an operation and still be able to go home with good outcome. 14 years-old boy came to emergency department with a decrease of consciousness 2 day before.  His GCS was 10 and CT showed large left frontal epidural hematoma with  falcine herniation. The hematoma removal done the next day after admission. The patient went home without neurological deficit. Conclusion. Delay in treatment has been shown to increase the mortality rate especially with large epidural haematoma. But, this young patient  recovered fully after  several days brain herniation.

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