Hubungan Kecanduan Smartphone Dengan Kecenderungan Perilaku Phubbing Pada Remaja Di SMAN 34 Jakarta Selatan

Eduardo Taufik, Suzy Yusna Dewi, Hikmah Muktamiroh


Smartphone was one of the most popular technologies in Indonesia that was most widely used to access the internet. About 70% of the most internet users in Indonesia were mostly recorded as adolescents, 13-18 years out of 70%. Teenagers were very susceptible to the adverse effects of the development of smartphone technology such as the emergence of smartphone addiction and phubbing behavior. This study aims to determine the correlation between smartphone addiction and phubbing behavior It was an observational analytic approach with cross-sectional design. The subjects of this study were 100 students of SMAN 34 South Jakarta. The results of this study showed that most of the teenagers of SMAN 34 South Jakarta were in the category of moderate smartphone addiction with moderate phubbing behavior. The results of alternative Kruskal-Wallis  test showed that there is correlation between smartphone addiction and phubbing behavior  with p-value <0.005 and correlation coefficient (c) = 0.569. In conclusion, there is correlation between smartphone addiction and phubbing behavior in adolescents at SMAN 34 South Jakarta

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