Gambaran Histopatologi Hepar Mencit Yang Diinduksi Aloksan: Perubahan Setelah Pemberian Ekstrak Biji Hijau Kopi Aceh Gayo
The number of people with diabetes mellitus continues to increase every year, so the potential for multi-organ complications also continues to increase. One of these organs is the liver. The green bean extract of Aceh Gayo Arabica coffee contains antioxidant compounds that work as antioxidants, antidiabetics, and hepatoprotectives. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of green bean extract of Aceh Gyo Arabica coffee on the liver histopathology of alloxa-induced mice. There are five groups, i.e., Normal Control Group (A), Positive Control Group (B), Negative Control Group (C), Treatment Group 1 (D) aceh gayo arabica coffee bean extract 0.39 mL/day, and Treatment Group 2 (E) aceh gayo arabica coffee bean extract 0.78 mL/day. Hepatic histopathological data analysis using One Way ANOVA test followed by Bonferroni Post Hoc Test. The results of the treatment group extract dose of 0.78 mL/day (E) with an average score of 2.236 (P = 0.001) had the smallest average score and closest to the average score of 1. So it was concluded that the extract dose of 0.78 mL/day effectively affected the improvement of the histopathological picture of the liver of alloxan-induced mice.
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