Hubungan pilihan mata kuliah elektif dengan rencana karir masa depan berdasarkan persepsi mahasiswa.
Abstract. In order to develop qualified doctors who can keep up with change in the globalization period, the National Standard for Medical Professional Education includes elective course elements to the curriculum. Elective courses are meant to accommodate and guide students by offering information that can assist students in planning further studies and help them narrow down their job choices. This study employed a quantitative approach and a cross-sectional methodology on 187 first-, second-, and third-year medical students. Google Form was used to distribute the survey that served as the study instrument. The Contingency Coefficient test was used to analyze the data. According to the findings of the univariate test, the majority of respondents had favorable opinions of elective courses, selected electives in hospital management, health law, interprofessional relationships, research management, and entrepreneurship, and had career goals of becoming specialists or clinicians. The contingency coefficient test and bivariate analysis produced a P value of 0.101. Other factors, including the fact that the available elective course alternatives do not correspond with students' interests, may have an impact on the outcome. It may be determined that there is no connection between the medical students' elective course preferences and their future job aspirations.
Keywords: Career plan, Elective, perception, medical student
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