Do COVID-19 Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Always Develop Severe Conditions? A Systematic Review
SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, infects hosts and promotes various manifestations, from asymptomatic to severe pneumonia. COVID-19 can develop into acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and induce cytokine storm which results on the need of intensive care and higher risk of mortality. This gives rise to a concern whether the patients who are treated with immunosuppressive therapy have a higher risk to suffer poor prognosis during SARS-CoV-2 infection, including patients with multiple sclerosis who are treated with disease-modifying therapy (DMT) which has immunomodulating and immunosuppressive effects. This systematic review aims to assemble the conditions of COVID-19 patients with multiple sclerosis comorbidity. Methods: This systematic review is conducted by compiling literatures about the conditions of COVID-19 patients with multiple sclerosis comorbidity through a database, “PubMed”, using the PRISMA-P method. The literatures are then appraised using the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist. Results: There are 12 literatures in the good category and 5 literatures in the medium category which demonstrate the conditions of COVID-19 patients with multiple sclerosis. Conclusion: The course of COVID-19 in patients with multiple sclerosis are diverse, according to their other comorbidities, race, age, gender, EDSS score, and the DMT they are given. Further cohort research with a broader range of samples are needed to assess the relationship of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the pantient’s multiple sclerosis condition, along with the effects of DMT usage and lymphocyte status in multiple sclerosis patients to the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.
Keywords: COVID-19, disease-modifying therapy, multiple
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