The Relationship Of Age And Obesity With The Histopathological Profile Of Mammae Fibroadenoma Patients In Pasar Minggu Hospital 2018-2019
The Relationship of Age and Obesity With The Histopathological Profile of Mammae Fibroadenoma Patients RSUD Pasar Minggu 2018-2019. Fibroadenoma mammae (FAM) is the most common lesion among benign tumor cases in the world and also in Jakarta which occurs in 25% of women with peak onset between the ages of 15 and 35 years with clinical symptoms of a solitary mass, easy to move, supple and well demarcated. Several studies have shown an increase in BMI to be a risk factor for FAM, but until now there is no convention that shows the relationship between age and obesity with FAM. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between age and obesity with the histopathological profile of FAM in Pasar Minggu Hospital patients in 2018-2019. Observational analytic research method with a cross-sectional design, the sample was taken based on the consecutive sampling technique of secondary data from medical record sheets. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between the
size and number of lesions (p=0.456 and p=0.894), there was no significant relationship between obesity and the size and number of lesions (p=0.267 and p=0.930). The conclusion of this study was to determine the major risk factors for the development of FAM, especially in young adolescent women. In connection with the above, education is needed to prevent and detect the emergence of FAM early.
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