Analisis Minat Beli Sepatu Sneakers Merek Adidas

Muhammad Ibnu Sidik, Suharyati Suharyati, Faisal Marzuki


This study aims to analyze and also determine the effect of brand image, the effect of price and the influence of product quality on purchase intention. Where there are problems with the interest in buying Adidas sneakers, which have never been in the first position in Indonesia or in the world. The purpose of this study was to analyze and determine the effect of brand image, price and product quality on buying interest in Adidas sneakers. This research method is descriptive quantitative with 75 respondents as users and potential buyers of Adidas sneakers scattered in the Bekasi area. The data analysis technique was taken through a questionnaire using Google form with descriptive and inferential data analysis techniques using Smart PLS 3.The results of this study indicate that the brand image variable affects the buying interest in Adidas sneakers and the variable product quality affects the buying interest in Adidas sneakers. While the price variable does not affect the interest in buying Adidas sneakers.


Brand Image; Price; Product Quality; Purchase Interest

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