Analisis Citra Merek, Kepercayaan Merek, dan Kepuasan Merek terhadap Loyalitas Merek

Siti Hertiwi Khasanah, Nani Ariani, Jenji Gunaedi Argo


This study analyzes to analyze and prove whether or not there is an effect of brand image, brand trust, and brand satisfaction on Wardah brand loyalty. The method used in this research is quantitative quantitative method. The population of services to Wardah cosmetic female consumers who live in the Bogor area with 75 respondents. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique and inferential technique using the SmartPLS test tool. This study shows the results of the R square value of 0.765. Hypothesis testing shows the variable results that brand image has no effect on brand loyalty with a path coefficient value of 0.019. Meanwhile, the variable brand trust and brand satisfaction variables affect brand loyalty with the path coefficient value of 0.317 and 0.565, respectively.


Brand Loyalty; Brand Image; Brand Trust; Brand Satisfaction; Wardah Cosmetics.

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