ANALISIS PURCHASE INTENTION PADA E-COMMERCE (Studi Kasus pada Pengguna Sociolla di Kalangan Muda)

Sindy Adiska Marta Dinata, Alfatih Sikki Mangabarani, Diana Triwardhani


This study aims to prove whether electronic word of mouth and brand image affect purchasing interest in e-commerce Sociolla. Based on data obtained from iprice insights, it shows that the order and number of monthly web visitors to Sociolla are still fluctuating, however, the rankings obtained by Sociolla on the AppStore and PlayStore are slowly increasing. The unstable growth of Sociolla is a problem that researchers want to raise because Sociolla has not been able to maintain or improve its position in otherranks e-commerce . This research is a quantitative study with a population that is consumers who have already shopped using e-commerce Sociolla. The number of samples taken was 58 respondents, with a purposive sampling method. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires using google form. The data analysis technique used is descriptive and inferential analysis using the help of the Partial Least Square (PLS)namely the tool,software Smart PLS 3.0. The results of this study indicate that (1) electronic word of mouth does not have a significant effect. (2) brand image has a significant influence on purchase intention.


Electronic Word of Mouth; Citra Merek; Minat Beli.

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