Winda Wijayanti


The funeral services are one of the safeguards for human dignity that was obtained the last time for a human died. Public Burial Places has territory separately based on the religion of people who died, whereas in every countries there are no distinction based on one's religion. The number of Believers at least 3.14 percent of the Indonesian population are protected by the Joint Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Culture and Tourism Number 43 and 41 Year 2009 concerning Guidelines of Service to the Believers in God Almighty. However, there is no single local regulation that regulates public cemeteries which are in line with it. This paper is a legal research that examines the harmonization between several local regulations in each province where there are the Believers. The paper to analyze based on cases that have occurred related to funeral services for them by the local government. The urgency of harmonization the regulations to provide legal protection them and emphasize that service is not just an appeal but a necessity through the obligatory along with the imposition of sanctions for officials who violate these provisions.


Harmonization, legal protection, public funeral service, Believers, local regulations

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