Mothers Mental Health at COVID-19 Era Consequences at Child Protection and Family Wellbeing

Rinda Amalia Amalia


Due of COVID-19 19, we face a lot of challenges. One of them is Mother Mental Health. We know it for sure, every mother constructs a pillar that supports her family. However, what will happen when the pillar itself collapses? This will cause a lot of troubles, not only for the mother herself but also for both her child and her family. However, due to the uncertainty behavior of this event, it is challenging to predict the outcome from the combination of established policy, recently published policy and the situation itself. In making the policy, mental health for mothers should have been taken into consideration. Recently, some domestic violence that occurs due to the implementation of the new policy has been reported. Moreover, there is a case where a mother murdered her daughter because she could not control her emotion when she taught her daughter. One of the factors might be the consequences of not applying mental health when creating the policy. This paper aims to explore the importance of mental health into public policy. Firstly, this paper presents the definition of mother mental health, law and human rights. Secondly, this paper discusses the connection between mental health, law and human rights. Based on the discussion, it is necessary to incorporate the mental health aspects into public policy especially during special events such as pandemic.


Mother Mental Health, COVID-19, Child Protection, Family Wellbeing, Human Righ

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