Model of tackling Corruption as Transnational Crime with a fair and Civilized Humanity Paradigm

Dicky Elvando


It has declined to the urgency of transnational corruption crimes. Indonesia has ratified the UN convention on anti-corruption and is required by international cooperation in the fight against corruption in potential across national borders. The NPLS 'commitment to joint against corruption (UNCAC) and the g20 anti-working group (ACWG) show the need for reinforcement in the extradition agreement for corruption crimes which not only harm the state but also harm the very nature of joint cooperation in the eradication of corruption crimes. Criminal corruption has made policy against corruption different. The death penalty expected to provide absolution turned out to be inadequate to eliminate the crimes of corruption. A fair and civilized humanitarian outlook projected as a United States of inter-states action towards the elimination of crime by paying attention to the humanities, justice and justice, and by sanctions against transnational corruption crimes plus one third of the basic penalties, social work and the obligation to build public facilities for the state, and without alternative inability.


Corruption, United Nations Convention Against Corruption, Transnational, Country, Law

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