The Practice of Inbreeding in a Positive Legal Perspective of the Polahi Tribe, Boliyohuto District, Gorontalo Province

Nur Insani, Upik Mutiara


The phenomenon of inbreeding that occurs in the Polahi Tribe, Gorontalo Province, is a taboo thing, because it will have a negative impact both in terms of religion, health and continuity of descent, this marriage is still commonly found, especially in remote areas where people are primitive. and the majority of their educational awareness levels are still relatively low.

Based on the things described above, the authors are interested in criticizing the inbreeding carried out by the Polahi tribe in Boliyohuto District. So the author raises the problem, namely How is the role of the Government in handling inbreeding carried out by the Polahi tribe in Boliyohuto District, Gorontalo Province.

This type of research used in this research is a type of normative legal research, namely a form of legal research carried out by examining legal materials of literature and / or secondary data. Polahi is one of the isolated tribes who still live in the interior of the forests of Sulawesi Island. around Mount Boliyohuto, Gorontalo Province. Their lives are far from the values of social ethics, education and religion, so that their descendants become citizens who are very marginalized and do not know the social order.

It takes a more role from the local government in handling the Polahi people, for example through a massive socialization movement.


Inbreeding, Positive Law, Socialization

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