Legal Protection for Customer Credit Card Fraud Cases in International Criminal Law

Robiatul Adawiyah


Credit card fraud is one from of identity-related crime. Credit card fraud is a new transnational crimes have not received much special attention from the international community.  From sufficient studies aspect, definitions and criminalization. The era of consumable technology, credit card number can be stolen from unsafe websites or could be obtained with identity theft scheme. Worsens, Indonesia became number two on the world is worst list for credit card fraud. This goes hand in hand with the fact that there is an open sale of the Indonesian identity in marketplace. The goal of research is to provide analysis of law enforcement to overcome credit card fraud as transnational crime. The methodology used in this study is normative juridical with a approach and literature. This research has conclude is that attempt to strive to encourage the mainstreaming of new transnational crimes through various international forums such as the maintenance of cyber security. International cooperation must be improved to eradicate this crime more comprehensive a major drawback occur, including of cooperation increased law enforcement capacity and exchange information.


Credit card fraud, Identity-related crime, Law enforcement

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