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Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Daftar Isi

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

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About the Conference

Since 2019, there have been 193 countries signed up as the member states of the United Nations and only 2 countries registered as United Nation observers. Therefore, based on the data, we can conclude that these societies are composed of diverse ethnic, rules of law and social aspects. Moreover, as the evolution of technology and communication worldwide, the civilization is forced to be more diverse which establishes certain ethical concepts of equity and social justice. This issue impacts the huge number of differentials which lead to a certain number of disagreements along with conflicts that occur in the societies. As a result of diverse and disagreements within nations and civil societies, based on the United Nation data In 2019, 357 killings and 30 enforced disappearances of human rights defenders, journalists and trade unionists has occurred in 47 countries.

Disputes, conflicts as well as the limited approach of justice are forms of threats to sustainable development goals. Moreover, lack of approaching justice is able to lead certain conflicts which are concerned to be unresolved and as a result, peace and justice are not enforced. In order to opine to that statement, The United Nation of General Assembly or UNGA has recognized that social development and social justice are necessary in order to achieve and support peace and security within nations around the globe. Therefore, UNGA urges all member states to not remain in any absence of equity, social justice and rules of law in order to manage and strengthen peace and security to respect all human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Equity, social justice and inclusive rules of law are needed to achieve peaceful and
inclusive societies in promoting sustainable living worldwide. Based on the United Nation's past SDGs, it is important that all stakeholders, such as but not limited to governments, civil societies and communities, work together in order to implement inclusive and also continuing solutions to enforce justice, equity and equality.

Italy’s former Minister of Labor and Social Policies, noted that an expected decline in global growth presaged a spike not only in poverty of income, but also in poverty of opportunities and justice. He emphasized the need to harness the universal nature of the SDGs across geographical and thematic borders in order to stem the threat of rising inequality. “The challenge we have,” Mr Giovannini said, “is not only for emerging or developing countries, but it is also relevant for developed countries. This is why I think it
was a great choice to have SDGs as universal goals - because more and more countries
will be facing problems, but also, I hope, solutions will be shared by these countries.”

Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), highlighted the role of the rule of law in
fostering inclusivity – an essential prerequisite to both peace and development. “States and
laws,” she said, “should empower rather than subdue, free rather than confine, and
organize diversity rather than impose uniformity... Only laws that protect the human rights
of all - that are both just and perceived to be just - can ensure stability, achieve prosperity,
and unleash the potential of all members of society for the common good.”

The primary aim of holding this international conference is to provide information on law enforcement in order to reach the 2030 sustainable development goals as well as the experiences and comparisons in the global context. Moreover, this conference aims at providing an excellent international platform for the academicians, researchers and budding students around the world to share and measure their research findings in order to find international linkage for future collaborations.