Evaluation of Hepatitis B Surveillance System in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java 2023
Background: In 2023, there was a difference in the number of newborns from HBsAg-reactive mothers who received HB0 and HBIg. Additionally, there were differences in the number of 9-12-month-old infants who underwent DDHB with HBsAg testing results. The aim of this study was to describe the hepatitis B surveillance system.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Descriptive analysis was used to compare hepatitis B surveillance with the applicable guidelines.Results: Implementation of hepatitis B surveillance according to the Guidelines for Prevention of Parent-to-Child Transmission of HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis B; the National Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Hepatitis 2020-2024; and the Technical Guidelines for the Management of Hepatitis B and C Programs. Surveillance attributes included simplicity, data quality, and acceptance at 31.8%, timeliness at 90.9%, and stability at 86.4%.Conclusion: Hepatitis B surveillance in Purbalingga Regency has been conducted in accordance with the guidelines, however, there are several surveillance attributes that need improvement, namely data quality and acceptance, due to the program manager's negligence in updating the SIHEPI application.
Keywords: Evaluation, Surveillance System, Hepatitis B
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