Diorestu Lamas Christofandi


The existence of parents is very important for their children. The role of parents is not only as caregivers, but also as educators both morally and non-morally. However, nowadays some parents in urban communities both father and mother both work. The reason for both parents working is to meet existing needs, both primary and secondary. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the moral decision making of working parents affects the moral development of children and how to keep children's moral development good if parents work. The initial data collection method carried out by the researcher was interviews. Interviews were conducted in two directions between interviewees (participants being interviewed) and interviewers (researchers who interviewed). Researchers chose informants based on predetermined criteria, namely having both parents who work and not with their parents when their parents work. Based on these criteria, the researcher chose a female student named Ratih (pseudonym) who was born with both working parents. In determining moral values, Ratih uses the moral teachings she receives as reference material. Ratih determines what can and cannot be done through the teachings of her parents and also the teachings she got while she was at the cottage. When Ratih performs behaviors that deviate from the morals she accepts, Ratih remembers what her parents have taught her. From this research, it can be concluded that Ratih still gets enough attention and moral education even though both of her parents are working. Ratih can determine how moral is appropriate for her. Ratih understands how the moral lessons she receives from her parents or from the cottage will be useful for her life. Ratih still relies on her parents when she makes her life choices. Ratih feels that her family plays a very important role so that she can behave according to the norms adopted by her family.

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