Pengaruh Diversitas Dewan Direksi terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

Ichvan Ramadhan Nugroho, Erna Hernawati, Retna Sari


This research is using quantitative study aimed to see whether there are influence of board of directors diversity on firm value. This study is a topic of corporate governance. This study uses advertising, printing and media sub-sector companies as samples. Sample selection uses purposive sampling method. Testing the hypothesis in this study was used Multiple Linear Regression Analisys using Stata analysis tool with a significant level of 5% (0,05). The results of these tests indicate that (1) there is no influence of board of directors gender diversity on firm value, (2) there is negative significant influence of board of directors age diversity on firm value, (3) there is no influence of board of directors educational backgrounds diversity on firm value. (4) there is no influence of board of directors independence diversity on firm value, (5) there is negative significant influence of board of directors nationality diversity on firm value and (6) there is negative significant influence of board of directors experience diversity on firm value.


Board of Directors Diversity; Corporate Governance; Firm Value

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