Angie Rindani Ekaputri, Prasetyo Hadi, Tati Handayani


The current Covid-19 has resulted in changes in transaction activities from direct to indirect. E-commerce users have also increased. However, there is one e-commerce that has actually experienced a decline. This quantitative research was conducted to see the effect of online convenience, online security, and online trust on customer satisfaction. Lazada application users in South Jakarta are the population in this study. The sample collection technique used was non-probability sampling with purposive sampling type. Sources of data obtained through distributing questionnaires to 75 respondents, the data were processed using SmartPLS 3.0 with the results obtained (1) there is a significant influence between online convenience on customer satisfaction with a coefficient value of 0.267. (2) there is no significant influence between online security and customer satisfaction with a coefficient value of 0.055. (3) there is a significant influence between online trust on customer satisfaction with a coefficient value of 0.53. With an adjusted R Square value of 0.622 or 62.2%.




Online Security; Online Convenience; Online Trust; Costumer Satisfaction

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