Fajar Arief Nugroho, Fiany Alifia Lasnita, Fuad Dhiyaurrakhman Dhiyaurrakhman


Under Trump’s administration, U.S.A undergoes a drastic and radical change in immigration and refugee policy to make it harder for immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees to enter the country. One of his many controversial moves was the signing of an Executive Order that bans the entry of citizens from 7 countries with predominantly a large Muslim population. The most controversial policy in regards to immigration and refugees is the dreadful condition of the Federal Immigration Detention Center which houses a large number of immigrants including children. Children detained in the Detention Center didn’t have adequate health and sanitary access and facilities including no vaccination, no soap, no toothbrush, and no mattress to sleep. This article aims to answer the question about the “inhumanity” of Trump’s policies from international law perspective and to determine whether the so-called “voluntary return” violates international treaties especially the UDHR, the ICCPR, and the Refugee Convention. This article will use the statute and case approach along with the library research method to collect all data necessary to address the issue. The collected data is analyzed further using the deductive syllogism method.


Asylum Seekers, International Law, Refugees, Trump’s Policy

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