Nurses Criminal Responsibility in Conducting Medical Action the Wording Doctors

Reny Suryanti Suryanti, Nyoman Serikat Putra, Pujiyono -


This study aims to analyze the criminal responsibility of nurses in carrying out medical actions wording the doctor's delegation of authority. By using the juridical normative approach, namely using the statutory approach (Statute Approach), and the conceptual approach (conceptual approach), namely an approach using statutory regulations as the initial basis for conducting an article.

The results showed that criminal liability can only be carried out against someone who commits a criminal act. Whereas the nurse's responsibility in carrying out medical actions the wording an abundance of doctors is based on Article 51 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code that "Whoever commits an act to carry out a position order given by the competent authority, is not punished", because what a nurse does is on the doctor's order. and Article 55 of the Criminal Code "nurses in carrying out medical actions only as" manus ministra "(people who are ordered to) are deemed to have no mistakes, nurses are only used as tools that are blamed for the work of doctors", so the one who can be held accountable is a doctor.


Accountability, Criminal, Nurse, Medical action


Republic of Indonesia Law Number 38 Year 2014 concerning of the Nursing Law.

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