Rethinking and Repositioning Community Paralegal as The Frontline of Access to Justice in The Pandemic

Josua Satria Collins


The COVID-19 pandemic gives the full impact on legal services. Not only lawyers but the community paralegal also encountered obstacles at this time. Community paralegals are different from conventional paralegals—their primary role is not to assist lawyers but rather to work directly with the communities they serve. Through the empirical juridical method, the author will analyze the pandemic impacts on community paralegal duties and the forms of government policies that can be taken. There are three issues affecting community paralegal services, namely the digital gap, lack of understanding of cases, and loss of income. This condition requires the government to pay more attention to community paralegal. Through the National Law Development Agency of Indonesia (BPHN), the government can allocate a budget to increase the capacity and welfare of community paralegals.

Copyright @2017 VELREV. All rights reserved.


Community, empowerment, paralegal

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