Nizam Zakka Arrizal, Siska Diana Sari


The development of Notary Public appointments in Indonesia began with the enactment of Reglement op het Notarisambt in Indonesie 1860, Notary Position Law 2004, and Notary Position Law 2014. Notary Public as Openbare Ambtenaren get the trust from the public to make perfect evidence. Increasing the requirements to be appointed as a Notary Public is a form of guidance and supervision of this position of trust. This research examines the dynamics of the appointment of a Notary Public from time to time with legal issues: How the development of Notary Public appointment? and What is State responsibility in the appointment of a profesional notary public? The method used is a normative juridical research method that examines legal principles using secondary data. While the data analysis method used is qualitative methods and the data collection tool used is document study. The result of this research is that there is an increase in requirements and standard of Notary Public appointment that strictly and honestly. State responsibility is to appoint trusted public officials by conducting training, coaching, supervision, and enforcing law for Notary Public candidate and Notary Public Organization.


Credit card fraud, Identity-related crime, Law enforcement

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